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How To Merge Contacts in Salesforce


Duplicate contacts can make data administration more difficult, even if Salesforce is a crucial tool for client relationship management. Keeping a tidy, effective database requires knowing how to merge contacts in Salesforce. With the help of this article, you’ll be able to merge contacts efficiently and without losing any important data.

For further details, read my this blog: What is a Salesforce Administrator

Recognizing the Value of Combining Contacts

Merging contacts in Salesforce improves CRM efficiency, not just eliminating duplicates. Multiple contacts might lead to inaccurate reporting, misunderstandings, and inefficient marketing. Combining contacts simplifies and updates your database.

  • Increased Accuracy: By removing inconsistencies from your data, merging contacts produces more trustworthy reporting and analysis.
  • Enhanced Communication: Your team can interact with clients more successfully if it has a single, consolidated contact record.
  • Improved Marketing Effectiveness: Prevent providing the same person with many marketing materials, saving money and enhancing the consumer experience.

Getting Ready to Combine Salesforce Contacts

It’s crucial to be well-prepared before you begin combining contacts. This planning guarantees that everything proceeds as planned and that no important information is lost.

1. Determine If Any Contacts Are Duplicate

Duplicates are found first in contact mergers. Salesforce has numerous features that allow users to find duplicate contacts. Salesforce’s built-in duplication control features or custom reports can discover duplicates by name, email, or phone number.

  • Built-In Duplicate Management: Salesforce’s built-in features assist in the real-time identification of duplicates, enabling prompt action.
  • Custom Reports: To identify duplication, create reports based on parameters like matching phone numbers or email addresses.

2. Make a data backup

Always back up your data before changing your contact information. This precaution ensures that you have a data backup if the merge fails. Salesforce offers third-party backup software and manual exports.

  • Manual Export: Before combining, download your contact information using Salesforce’s export capabilities.
  • Third-Party Tools: To guarantee data security, think about utilizing a third-party tool for routine backups.

3. Examine and purge data

Examine the information related to the duplicate contacts you have. Choose which information should be retained and which can be deleted. This is an important step since the non-primary entries will be removed after the merge is finished. Carefully go over each contact record to make sure you have all the important details.

  • Field Review: Examine every field in the duplicate contacts to determine which contains the most precise and pertinent data.
  • Clean Up: Prior to combining, eliminate any obsolete or superfluous information from the entries.

4. Establish Access and Permissions

Make sure you have the necessary authorizations before combining contacts in Salesforce. Users who have specified roles in Salesforce or administrators often have the ability to merge contacts. Please get in touch with your Salesforce administrator to obtain the access you need if you don’t already have it.

  • Admin Access: Verify that you are authorized to merge contacts or that you have admin access.
  • Role-Specific Permissions: Verify with your admin if a certain role has the authority to combine contacts.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Salesforce Contact Merging

It’s time to merge contacts in Salesforce now that you have organized your data and verified that you possess the required authorizations. Carefully follow these instructions to guarantee a successful and seamless merger.

1. Select the Contacts Tab

Accessing Salesforce’s “Contacts” tab is the initial step in integrating contacts. You can view a list of all of your contact records on this tab. To find the specific contacts you want to integrate, use the search bar.

  • Access Contacts: To view your list of contacts, select the “Contacts” option.
  • Search: Locate the duplicate contacts you wish to combine by using the search feature.

2.  Choose Duplicate Contacts

Choose the duplicate contacts to merge after you’ve found them. Three contacts can be merged at once in Salesforce. To select the records you wish to integrate, tick the boxes next to the names of the contacts.

  • Checkbox Selection: To merge contacts, check the boxes adjacent to each contact.
  • Limit of Three: Keep in mind that you are able to merge a maximum of three contacts at once.

3. Select the “Merge Contacts” button

Look for the “Merge Contacts” button after choosing the contacts. Depending on your Salesforce version, you may find this button in a different location, but usually speaking, it is positioned in the upper-right corner of the contact list.

  • Find Button: Look for the “Merge Contacts” button and click it.
  • Version Differences: Depending on your Salesforce version, the button’s placement may change.

4. Select the Master Record

You will be prompted by Salesforce to select a master record. The contact that will survive the merger and keep the majority of the data is called the master record. Examine each contact’s data to determine which one should be the master.

  • Master Record Selection: Select the contact to serve as the master record based on which information is most current and correct.
  • Critical Information: Verify that all of the information you wish to keep is included in the master record.

5. Choose Your Field Values and Proceed

Salesforce will show a comparison of the chosen contacts side by side. Selecting which field values to keep for the master record is necessary. You can select the most useful details from each contact record in this stage.

  • Side-by-Side Comparison: Examine the duplicate contacts’ field values.
  • Field Selection: Select the most pertinent data to keep in the master record for each field.

6: Verify the Combination

After making your decisions, click “Next” to start the merge. You will be prompted by Salesforce to confirm the merge. Before completing the merging, carefully check the data one last time to make sure everything is accurate.

  • Final Review: Verify that all the information is correct by checking it twice.
  • Merge Confirmation: Press the final confirmation button to confirm the merge.

7: Examine the Consolidated Contact

Examine the combined contact record once the merge is finished to make sure all the data is accurate. Verify that the master record contains the most correct information and that no important data was lost during the merge.

  • Post-Merge Review: Verify that all of the data is correct and comprehensive by reviewing the master contact.
  • Related Records: Check to make sure the merged contact is accurately linked to related records such as opportunities and cases.

Resolving Typical Problems During Merging

Problems can occasionally come up during the merging procedure. Here are a few typical issues along with solutions.

1. Inadequate Authorization

There may be a permission issue if you are unable to combine contacts. Make sure you have the required authorization, or ask your Salesforce administrator to give you access.

  • Verify Permissions: Verify that merging contacts is permitted for your user role.
  • Contact Admin: Request the necessary permissions from your Salesforce admin if necessary.

2. Secure Documents

Another procedure (like an approval process) may lock records and prevent merging. In order to fix this, you must first unlock the records or finish the approval procedure before trying to merge.

  • Resolve Locks: Finish any open procedures that might be preventing the records from being opened.
  • Unlock Records: To continue with the merge, unlock the records if required.

3. Incompatible Field Values

Selecting which data to keep in duplicate records is important if there are values that clash. This is particularly crucial for custom fields because data in them may vary greatly between records.

  • Field Conflict Resolution: Select the field values to maintain when there is a disagreement.
  • Custom Fields: Throughout the merge process, pay close attention to custom fields.

Optimal Procedures for Salesforce Contact Merging

Use these best practices to make sure the merging process runs smoothly and effectively.

1. Consistent Data Upkeep

Review and purge your contact list regularly to keep duplicates from building up. This proactive strategy aids in the upkeep of an organized and effective database.

  • Plan Reviews: Establish recurring times for reviewing and cleansing data.
  • Automate Maintenance: Automate some steps of the maintenance procedure by utilizing Salesforce’s features.

2. Apply the Duplicate Rules in Salesforce

Duplicate rules in Salesforce can assist you in automatically managing and preventing duplication. Customize these criteria to meet your company’s requirements, and quickly identify and remove any duplicates.

  • Configure Rules: To handle duplicates automatically, set up duplicate rules.
  • Monitor Alerts: Pay attention to any notifications that these rules generate so that you can respond quickly.

3. Make a Process Document

Document your merge process to maintain uniformity, especially when several team members participate. Use this handbook as a reference to help new team members understand appropriate procedures.

  • Create Documentation: To ensure consistency, put your merge process in writing.
  • Training Tool: Inform new team members about the merge process by using the documentation.

4. Educate Your Group

Make sure everyone on your team has received the appropriate training on how to combine contacts in Salesforce. By ensuring that everyone follows the right procedures, this training helps to reduce errors.

  • Provide Training: Give team members instructions on contact merging.
  • Maintain Consistency: Ensure that all parties are aware of and adhering to the same procedure.


To keep your Salesforce database organized and functional, you must merge contacts. You can make sure that your data is correct, current, and helpful for your organization’s needs by following the instructions provided in this article on how to combine contacts in Salesforce. You can efficiently manage your Salesforce contacts by doing routine maintenance and adhering to best practices, which will eventually improve business outcomes and customer interactions.

Uzair Zafar

Certified Salesforce Consultant Uzair Zafar has over two years of experience developing commercial applications in Salesforce CRM. He is an expert at integrating Salesforce Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, and CPQ Cloud apps using web services, Workato, and Jitterbit. Uzair can create Scoping Documents, Use-case Documents, and demos and presentations in manufacturing, energy, and financial services.